12687 Columbia Ave, Yucaipa, California 92399
(Sold At) $337,000

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Note: This property is not currently for sale or for rent. The description below may be from a previous listing.
Investor opportunity! This property is being offered at Public Auction on 09-10-2019. Visit Auction.com now to view additional photos, Property Inspection Report with title information, plat maps and interior inspection reports when available. Auction.com is the nation's leading real estate transaction platform focused exclusively on the sale of residential foreclosure and bank-owned properties. The majority of these properties are priced below market value. Don't miss this special opportunity to buy homes at wholesale prices! In addition to this property, 113 other properties are scheduled for sale at this same Foreclosure Sale. In our online auctions and live Foreclosure Sales, Auction.com currently has 247 properties scheduled for sale in San Bernardino County and 2390 throughout California. All properties and sale details can be found with a simple search at Auction.com. Create a FREE account today to find more properties like this one, save searches of properties that meet your investment criteria and have the properties you're looking for emailed directly to you when posted in an upcoming sale event. To view the complete details of this exact property, click the Auction.com link below or paste the Property ID 1686337 into the search bar at Auction.com
12687 Columbia Ave, Yucaipa, California 92399
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